October 24, 2017
Free GeoToolkit.JS Developer Training
Join us for a free GeoToolkit.JS developer training in Houston on October 24 at 8 am. Learn more about what's new in 2.4, how to create PDF reports, visualization with real-time data streams, how to build web applications using TypeScript & Angular, and much more. Plus, ask our experts about your toughest GeoToolkit.JS challenge during our Q&A sessions.
9 October 2017
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Since the first edition 91 years ago, the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) has attracted more than a half million of the E&P industry’s greatest minds from around the globe.
24 September 2017
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Bringing together thousands of geoscience professionals from more than 70 countries, the SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting provides a unique platform for high-level networking and new business development opportunities for companies involved in the geosciences industry.
12 June 2017
79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition
The EAGE’s 79th Conference & Exhibition, is an invitation to meet fellow professionals, catch up with old friends, share experiences, and at the same time appreciate and learn from the breadth and depth of geoscience and engineering activities around the world.
31 May 2017
Microsoft / INTViewer Breakfast
INT is hosting an INTViewer breakfast event at Microsoft’s state-of-the-art Technology Center on May 31. We hope you can join us for this unique opportunity to ask questions, meet with your peers, and network with others in the field.
16 May 2017